Sunday 13 October 2013

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

From Canada: Happy Thanksgiving, once again.  A time to count your blessings and lucky stars, eat turkey, ham, or whatever your family prefers, and to tolerate your family as you are all herded into the same livingroom/kitchen for the day. :)

I send my best wishes to one and all along with a few of my many reasons to be thankful:
  • I have two healthy, wonderful children
  • I have a great husband (the type that lets his wife sleep in and gets up with the baby and toddler)
  • I am close to my family
  • I have a roof over my head and food in the cupboards
  • I am in a country where hearing I had cancer was not a death sentence because I may not have been able to afford the treatments
  • I may be physically disabled, but I still have some abilities
  • I have good friends that love me for who I am
  • I am alive (f**k you, cancer!)
So enjoy your weekend, supper, and life! 

1 comment:

  1. Hello, my name is Mallory and I am also a cancer survivor. I have a background in Aerospace Engineering but I am working on a cancer advocacy endeavor right now. During my own cancer treatments, my then boyfriend (now husband) and I experienced some large gaps in the resources available to young adult cancer patients/caregivers. I'd love to hear your thoughts on any gaps that you have experienced in the resources available to you as a young adult cancer patient in terms of your day to day lifestyle management and daily activities. Please let me know if you have any thoughts :) I'd love to talk more through email or phone and can provide my email address if you are interested :)

